FAST Rescue Solutions supports the growing trend for law enforcement, fire, and EMS to work together - not as individual components during an event, but as a comprehensive response team. Fire and EMS personnel increasingly find themselves in situations that expose them to the same threats as law enforcement, necessitating an updated approach.
To address these threats, FAST Rescue Solutions launched our Tactical Division, which evolved the FAST Board, a revolutionary rescue device for firefighters, into the FAST Shield. The FAST Shield is an innovative, multi-disciplinary tool designed to be a robust force multiplier for tactical scenarios. The Shield possesses all the rescue device attributes of the original FAST Board with the addition of a ballistic panel, as well as handles and accessories that can be configured to meet mission-specific needs of law enforcement, military, and other personnel.
All FAST Rescue Solutions products are supported with training from a professional cadre of instructors. FAST instructors have real-world experience as fire fighters, police and trainers of military personnel. Our courses can be designed to meet half day, full day, and multi day classes covering a variety of skill sets ranging from Barricade Entry to Active Shooter Scenarios. To visit our full library of tactical training courses click here.
For our full compliment of tactical products click here.